Uniform Policy



POLICY: Students are expected to wear the CMIT ELEMENTARY uniform at all times and to dress and groom themselves to reflect cleanliness and safety. All students should dress appropriately so as not to disrupt or interfere with the educational program or the orderly operation of the school. The Principal or other authorized school official shall determine whether any particular use of the school uniform is in violation of the spirit and/or the intent of this school uniform policy. Students and parents are expected to honor the uniform code in order that valuable school time is not spent examining student attire to determine appropriateness. Students are not permitted to change out of their uniforms during or after school unless participating in an after school activity that requires non-uniform clothing. The uniform policy is in effect from the time students walk into the building to the end of the day when the after school programs are over.

APPLICABILITY: The provisions of this policy apply to all students who are enrolled at Chesapeake Math and IT ELEMENTARY Public Charter School. It is issued for information and guidance, and requires compliance at all times. This policy is the sole source for dictation on what the school uniform and its components are and how to correctly wear them.


ENFORCEMENT: This policy defines the composition of authorized uniforms. Uniforms and components shall be worn as described in this policy. CMIT ELEMENTARY students must present a proud and professional appearance that will reflect positively on the individual and the school. All students shall comply with this policy and be available to teach others the correct wear of the uniforms. Exemplary appearance should be the norm for all students.


CHANGES ON THE POLICY: Chesapeake Math and IT ELEMENTARY has the right to make changes on the uniform policy, anytime needed. Parents and students will be notified if any changes are made in this policy.



Shoes: Shoes must be closed-toed dress shoes or athletic shoes only and SOLID BLACK IN COLOR. No patterns or special designs (markings, tassels, checkered, plaid, etc.) are permitted. Birkenstock Clogs without a covered heel in black color are also acceptable.
Slippers or thin-soled shoes, sandals, flip-flops, open-toed shoes, high heeled shoes (heels must be not more than 1 inch), roller shoes, and shoes with wheels are not permitted.
Socks Plain solid white in color
*If your child does not know how to tie their shoes, please consider purchasing velcro shoes.
For safety purposes, shoes must be worn at all time

Pants or Shorts for Boys:

1. Pants and shorts must be worn with black belt (cargo style pants or shorts not allowed)

2. Pants or shorts must be either medium dark khaki or solid navy blue in color. Front pockets must be side seam pockets and back pockets must be sewn inside the pant or short – no outside pockets, patch pockets, or additional pockets are permitted. Pants or shorts may not have rivets, split seams at the bottom of the legs, or flaps on the pockets. Material may not be suede or corduroy. The pant material must be 100% cotton or a cotton/polyester blend that is wrinkle resistant. Jeans are not allowed.

3. Pants or shorts must be worn properly at the waist and not sag below the top of the hips. Pants or shorts may not be rolled up or folded up Shorts and Capri style pants must be at least fingertip length and not longer than the top of the knee when standing. Pants, capris, or shorts must not fit too snuggly. Students may not wear the top of their pants or shorts below their buttocks.

4. Athletic shorts are not permitted. Athletic type shorts, such as those used for biking, are not permitted. Shorts must align with the tip of your middle finger when your arms are at your side. 5. Shorts and capris may be worn ONLY during summer dates; from the first day of school through Oct. 31st and from April 1st through the last day of school.


Pants or Shorts for Girls:

Shorts/Pants must be either medium dark khaki or solid navy blue in color. Front pockets must be side seam pockets and back pockets must be sewn inside the pant or short – no outside pockets, patch pockets, or additional pockets are permitted. Shorts/pants may not have rivets; split seams at the bottom of the legs, or flaps on the pockets. Material may not be suede or corduroy. The pant material must be 100% cotton or a cotton/polyester blend that is wrinkle resistant. Jeans are not allowed.


Pants, jeans, pajama bottoms, leggings or other apparel may not be worn under the Bermuda shorts/pants.


Shorts/pants must be worn properly at the waist and not sag below the top of the hips. Shorts/pants may not be rolled up or folded up. They must not fit too snuggly. Students may not wear the top of their pants or shorts below their buttocks.


Shorts or capris may be worn ONLY during summer dates; from the first day of school through Oct. 31st and from April 1st through the last day of school.


Skorts and Skirts: Solid navy blue or khaki in color, no shorter than knee length. Knee high socks or tights are allowed, only plain solid blue, black, plain solid burgundy or plain solid white.


Top Options for Girls and Boys:

Embroidered CMIT ELEMENTARY school logo is required for all top options The logo should only be embroidered on the left upper side of the top apparel.

6. CMIT ELEMENTARY polo shirts must be a pique or jersey fabric in burgundy or royal blue. These polo shirts can be either short sleeve or long sleeve. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.

7. CMIT ELEMENTARY sweatshirts in royal blue color are allowed. CMIT sweatshirts cannot have a hood even on casual days.

8. CMIT ELEMENTARY vests & sweaters must also be burgundy or royal blue in color. Both the vest and sweater require that the student must still be wearing a CMIT ELEMENTARY shirt underneath – the vest and sweaters cannot be worn alone. Sweaters may not be worn (tied) around the waist.

9. CMIT ELEMENTARY polo fleece is a burgundy or royal blue, half or full-zipper. The fleece requires that the student must still be wearing a CMIT ELEMENTARY shirt underneath – the fleece cannot be worn alone.

10. CMIT ELEMENTARY jackets and fleece-lined windbreakers (without a hood) also need to be burgundy or royal blue in color. Other non-CMIT jackets or windbreakers with a hood may not be worn in the school building – they need to be placed in the lockers.

11. No apparel should have a hood and that includes casual days.


Accessories for Girls and Boys:

1. Belts must be in the solid black color. Grommets or ornamentation on the belt are not permitted. Belts are required to be worn properly with all pants or shorts. Belts must go through all the belt loops and be properly fastened or buckled. The end of the belt must not be allowed to hang down (it must also go through the loops if there is excess). The belt must also be tightened enough to prohibit the student’s pants, shorts, and Bermuda shorts from sagging below the hips.

2. Socks, stockings, tights, or hose may only be in solid school colors of burgundy, blue or white or black. Clear or skin-colored hose are also acceptable. Fishnet or other patterned stockings or hose are not permitted. Stockings, tights, or hose must cover the full length of the student’s legs and feet – leg warmers are not permitted.

3. Permissible jewelry:

  • Earrings, no larger than the size of a quarter or 1 inch in length

  • Necklaces, no more than 16 inches in length

  • No more than 3 necklaces, 3 bracelets, 3 rings, etc. may be worn at a time.

  • None of the said items may pose a safety hazard, cause a distraction, or 
represent weapons, contraband, racism, bullying or harassment


Special Event Uniform for Girls and Boys


Throughout the school year, special events will be organized and a more formal uniform must be worn. Administration and faculty will advise parents and students when these events occur.


Shirt: White oxford CMIT ELEMENTARY shirt with CMIT ELEMENTARY logo on upper left side. Shirt must be tucked in at all times. (Grades 3-5)

Tie: Boys will wear a burgundy necktie to match the burgundy in the CMIT ELEMENTARY logo. Girls will wear a burgundy cross-over tie or blue neck tie that matches the burgundy in the CMIT ELEMENTARY logo.( Grades 3-5)


Pants: Navy blue or khaki pants (same as regular uniform standards)


Shoes: Black (same as regular uniform standards)

Belt: Black (same as regular uniform standards


Physical Education Uniform for Girls and Boys


Students will wear their school uniform. Please ensure that your scholar is wearing appropriate gym shoes

Gym Shoes: Tennis shoes/sneakers (uninterrupted black) Fully laced through all eyelets and tied, if applicable.

*If your child does not know how to tie their shoes, please consider purchasing velcro shoes.


Grades 3-5

The PE uniform may be and must be worn on assigned physical education days only. The entire gym uniform must be worn as stated below.

Gym Shirt: Solid blue in color with CMIT ELEMENTARY school logo on front.

Pants: Solid black in color (sweat pants or mesh material) with no stripes. No designs, logos, emblems, stripes, etc. of any kind except assigned CMIT ELEMENTARY logo.

Shorts: Solid black in color (sweat pant or mesh material). No designs, logos, emblems, stripes, etc. of any kind except CMIT ELEMENTARY logo (No shorter than knee length).

Gym Shoes: Tennis shoes/sneakers (uninterrupted black) Fully laced through all eyelets and tied, if applicable.

*If your child does not know how to tie their shoes, please consider purchasing velcro shoes.


Miscellaneous Guidelines for Regular and Casual Days:

Clothing should be neat and clean.

Clothing may not be worn inside out or backwards.

Undergarments must not be exposed.

Hair, face, and body paint are inappropriate for school and not permitted.

Cosmetics and/or make-up should be age-appropriate, appropriate for school, and not attract undue attention.

Clothing with rips, tears, holes or frayed edges is considered inappropriate for school and not permitted.

Jewelry and accessories should be appropriate for school and not attract undue attention or pose a safety risk.

Extreme hairstyles are not permitted (examples: Mohawk cuts, hair coloring other than standard frosting or natural highlighting) and should not attract undue attention.

Hats, caps, curlers, headscarves, bandanas, dude-rags, pictures, combs, sweatbands, chains, sunglasses, tennis skirts, gloves, arm/leg warmers, and coats are not to be worn during school hours. That includes casual days. Head wraps for religious or cultural purposes may be permitted, if approved in advance. If approved, head wraps must be solid colors only; burgundy, blue, white or black.


Clothing that is excessively revealing, such as short mini-skirts, short length shorts, tank tops, loosely fitting, low-cut blouses or halter tops, mesh shirts, or shirts exposing the midriff are not to be worn to school. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed and that includes casual days. (This mainly applies to non-uniform and casual days at school)

All clothing, notably t-shirts and sweatshirts, must be in good taste (no suggestive wording or illustrations or advertisements for items which are illegal for students – i.e., alcohol and tobacco products, etc. This mainly applies to non-uniform and casual days at school).


Long johns, turtle necks or other long sleeve shirts are not permitted to be worn under the school uniform at any time. If the student needs the extra warmth, long-sleeve uniform shirts are available – wearing a short sleeve uniform shirt with a long sleeve item of clothing underneath is not acceptable.


All outside coats and jackets or hooded apparel may not be worn inside the school building. Uniform jackets and/or windbreakers with the CMIT ES official logo may be worn during the school day. All outside coats and jackets or hooded apparel must be put in the student’s cubbies immediately upon entering the school building.


The CMIT ES uniform includes an optional sweatshirt or zippered fleece for those students who need to have additional layers to remain warm.


Excessive multiple piercings are not allowed while in uniform so as not to attract undue attention or pose a safety risk.

The bottom two buttons on the uniform polo shirt must be buttoned at all times.

Students may not write color, draw, place stickers on, or otherwise alter any part of clothing or body. This includes uniforms, gym clothing, etc. This will be considered out of uniform and disciplinary procedures will be enforced. The same applies to casual dress as well and will result in loss of casual day privileges.


Uniforms Not Purchased From Uniform Supplier

Although the suggested uniform company has individual components of the CMIT uniform, it is not a requirement that the uniform be purchased from that vendor. If parents choose not to purchase the uniform from the suggested vendor, they may do so as long as the uniform clothing purchased matches identically with the same style, color, and color tone. Parents may use a picture of the official logo to provide to the vendor of choice. Please ensure that the logo matches identically with the same color, style color, and color tone.

All uniform tops must have the CMIT logo embroidered on the left upper.


Should a student’s uniform not comply with the uniform dress code, they will be considered in violation. Students who violate the uniform code will be allowed to call home for an appropriate change of clothing after obtaining administrator approval.