The End of Bullying Begins With You.
We were able to come together Monday February 12 for 2 separate assemblies (K-2, and 3-5), and share in some courageous conversations around the topic ofBullying.
Mrs Fryson and I both took a piece of the assembly, where weheard from and watched what other elementary school studentsare doing to take a stand against Bullying-type behavior. Wereviewed our school policies and those of PGCPS, and walkedthrough the consequences for all the choices we make, bothpositive and negative…
We focused on this word “choice” and how our Tigers areequipped with all of the information and opportunities to makeR.O.A.Ring choices. We hope that you will continue thisconversation at home, and discuss ways to R.O.A.R both insideand outside of CMIT.
We all chose this school, and we must choose to make it GREAT!
Here are the links to the videos we watched together:
Grades K-2:
Greade 3-5: