CLF Super Pi Day Celebration
Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation had a wonderful Super Pi Day Event on Saturday 3-14-15.
Before the event The CLF advertised a video contest where students submitted an original
video about Pi Day; specifically about this Super Pi Day. Videos were submitted electronically
and also uploaded to youtube. On Friday afternoon the videos were judged and three winning
videos were chosen. The winners (all team members) received a $50 gift card.
On the morning of the event at 9:00 am students gathered to watch the video submissions and
await the announcement of the winners. The three winning videos were announced at 9:26:53
which are the next numbers in the Pi number.
First Place: Super Pi Day Focus by Taylor Gift, Sidney Baucum and Courtney Smith.
Second Place: Super Pi Day Jam by Fathima Ceesay, Ultimate Peatross and Mattie Hawkins.
Third Place: Super Pi Day Poem by Cole Harriston.
After the awards were presented we had the opportunity to hear from Mr. Orak. He spoke
about the number Pi and the significance of celebrating Super Pi Day in the United States. He
said that other countries write the date out in the order of day, month, and year. They were
not able to celebrate this specific day with us. He also said like the Pi number the potential of
the students is never ending.
What would Pi Day be without Pie? The most exciting part of the morning was the spinning
wheel! The spinning wheel had either pie in the face or gift card segments. It was really
exciting to see what they landed on. Most students wanted to land on pie in the face. Some
students even chose to get pie in their own face!
The Pie eating contest was really a treat for the audience. We watched as the students, (with
their hands behind their back) ate pie until their tins were clean. The winner of the Pie eating
contest was Cameron Wilson. He won a $25 gift card!
After the contest, everyone stood in line to get their Pie. Although the clean-up was not fun, it
was definitely worth it. It was an event that will definitely be remembered until the next Super
Pi Day in one hundred years!
Sarah Blair, Outreach Coordinator