CLF Stem Fair & Makers’ FEST

On January 28th, 2017 CLF will host its annual STEMFair and 1st annual MakersFEST at CMIT Elementary. With STEMFair projects and research already underway the competition seems to be heating up! We are also highlighting those who choose not to compete but would like to show off their talents! The MakersFEST is a non-competitive showcase so everyone is invited to enter. All you have to do is fill out the MakersFEST Fundamental Form! This year CLF will also provide financial support on a first come first serve basis to those who may need it. If you find yourself short on supplies just contact clp@clfmd.org with a quote for the materials you need. Don’t forget to send progress pictures of your creation to clp@clfmd.org for printing. As a reward for entry, MakersFEST participants will be entered into a raffle to win cool prizes! Next year CLF plans to share these MakersFEST projects with the Maryland STEM Festival and the world! Come out and see the creativity of our future inventors on January 28th!
Cihan Bicer
CLF Student Activities Director
CLF Student Activities Director